Anahita is a deity who is mentioned in Iranian mythology as the father/mother of waters, as well as the goddess and symbol of waters and has always been praised by Iranians. In Iranian traditions, waters have always been sacred, so polluting them would cause resentment and even anger of the gods. According to this belief, the artist has made clay goddesses adapted from the form of sculpture of Anahita in different eras. By placing Anahita sculptures in the path of the sea waves with the aim of being destroyed and washed up, the artist has been following the process of returning Anahita to nature and uniting with water. With the intensity of each wave, parts of the sculptures are destroyed and became closer to nature. Regarding the objectives of the exhibition, the artist tends to recreate ancient Iranian culture, taking a modern approach as well.
2021, Babolsar, Mazandarn, Iran.
you can see the video of this art work here: